How to change your Default IP Address

There could be a number of reasons that you will be forced to change the Default IP Address. It is important to realize which kind of IP address you are interested because there are plenty of options to select the best IP address for you i.e. one out of thousand. Well, every device wired or wireless that is connected to the Internet has an individual IP address, similarly as your extender and the router.  

NetgearWiFi Extender Setup also needs an IP address that supposed to be type into the field of the address bar of a web browser to complete the process of installation successfully.

1.       Why changing IP address

A number of people change their exterior IP address to evade their device from online bans that several sites compel on their personal contents. Changing of the IP address form default to your own requirement of a computer, router, smart device or a range extender is only constructive and valuable when:
·         You have accidentally configured or installed an invalid IP address.
·         Static IP address in the wrong numeric or digit format.
·         Use of a broken or faulty device that provides the worst IP address, especially that one, which is already being used by another device on the same network.
·         Installation of a new device and re-configuring your home network to use its default range of IP address.

2.       How to change your public or a communal IP Address

An external or a communal IP address is used to communicate with those networks that are unknown and unidentified to you and also refused by your network. Such IP addresses are own and accessed by third-party devices or the intruder’s network.  Most of the Internet Service Providers offer static IP address to their users. Well, this is not common for homeowners because most of the devices are configured with the help of a dynamic IP address. So, you can request and ask your Internet Service Provider to give you the new, valid and hacker resistance one.

3.       How to change your local IP Address

The local or the default IP address is assigned to you by your device manufacturer which is located at the back of your device and that is known as the Private IP Address. You can also find much more assistance and information of your device on Netgear Genie Setup page by opening a web browser and typing in the default address into the field of the address bar.

4.       Change the Routers IP address

Going further with this process, you have to log in to the router login page by the means of default login credentials. Just fill all the default details into the required field (username and password) and jump in as administrator. Here you have the right to change the default IP address to your own necessity. But we would like to suggest that do all the process of change of settings, installation and configuration of devices, etc. under the IT guy supervision.

5.       Change the device (computer) IP address

There are several ways that you can change the IP address of the client device. The most efficient way to mend and renew the DHCP IP address by typing the flowing commands:

·         Ipconfig/release
·         Ipconfig/renew

The Further way to change the static IP address is to know that from where this default IP is assigned and given us from.

·         Is it safe or not.
·         Is it in use of some other person device or not.

On the other hand, on the Windows computer, you have to

·         Go to the Control Panel
·         Open Network and Sharing Center
·         Double-Click on the asked question
·         Select Properties
·         From the list displayed, double-click on the item IPv4
·         Modify or change the default IP address form the “General Tab” or choose “Obtain an IP Address” Automatically.

6.       Change the IP address of a smartphone

 Changing the default setting on your smart device is now at the tips of your hands:
·         Go to the Settings of your phone
·         Select the WiFi option
·         Tap on (i) situated next to the network
·         Open the option Configure IP
·         Choose Manual
·         Now, enter the network details, DNS information, required IP address, etc.


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